Taking it Back to the Basics

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If you’ve been a believer for quite a length of time, sometimes you can start going through the motions and not taking an active measure in your faith. I know for me, after being a believer from the age of 6 to now in my 30’s it’s easy for things to slide and other things to become the priority, when in fact our biggest priority should be our walk with the Lord.

So, for this month, I want us to dive into a series I’m calling Back to the Basics.. We’ll talk through so many important things and foundations in our faith journey.

We’ll talk through these important truths:

  • Faith / Trust – What does it look like to truly believe – in Jesus, in His promises, in His plans, in His power? How to we keep the faith and trust Him and keep on believing

  • Prayer – Why is prayer important? How often should we pray? What does prayer look like? How do we build a two-way communication in prayer? And, how do we pray with expectation?

  • Reading the Word – One of the most important facets of our faith journey is reading the Word. How do we make a habit of it? How do we understand what we’re reading? How do we apply the Word to our lives?

  • Studying the Word – More than just reading the Word, we need to be studiers of the Word. Learn practical tools and tips on how to study the Word and develop a deeper understanding of the Word.

  • Community – Everyone needs people in their lives to walk this journey with. What does community look like? How do we develop true life-giving community with believers?

  • Serving – The Bible talks a lot about serving. Serving God. Serving others. Using our gifts. Let’s talk about what serving should look like in our lives.

Stay tuned over the coming weeks as we dive into these foundations.

What questions do you have about these topics now before we dive in? I want to hear from you. I may just be able to address your questions in the series.


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