Let’s Talk About Sex


I am so excited to feature the amazing Geri Alicea of Womb Prep in a special guest series all month long about, yep, you read that right ... SEX!! Hold onto your seats because this is gonna be good!

Let's. Talk. About. Sex!

We live in a world where sex is everywhere. It's in our music. It's in our movies. We even use it to sell our products. But ironically, even though sex is literally everywhere we turn, most Christians don't want to talk about it. And even more shocking is the fact that a lot of married couples aren't doing it! Or if they are, it's on rare occasions and they don't even enjoy it.

It's like when we were unmarried and in the world, sex was at the forefront of our minds. But now that we've found Jesus AND a husband we've put sex on the back burner and it's become an afterthought.

But can I tell you a few secrets? 

  • God WANTS married Christian couples to have sex!

  • He wants you to do it on a regular basis!

  • And this may be my most important point:  God wants you to enjoy sex!

Whew! I'm glad I got that off my chest! LOL!

On a more serious note, the sad truth is that a lot of couples don't really enjoy having sex. Instead, they view it as a requirement because they vowed "for better or worse". But sex was never meant to be treated like a chore. In fact, it was created by God to be beautiful, enjoyable, passionate and spontaneous. It was created to deepen the intimacy between husband and wife. Sex was created to physically express love and adoration for one another just like worship spiritually expresses our love and adoration for God.

When we treat sex like a chore or a means to an end it breaks God's heart because that's not it's intended purpose. Having this mindset about sex also creates opportunities for the enemy to wreak havoc. This is where resentment sets in and temptation is amplified.

The enemy would love nothing more than to steal, kill and destroy your sex life.

He would love nothing more than for you to downplay your spouse's sexual needs and find something else to do. He would love nothing more than to destroy your marriage and will delight in using sex as a vessel to do it.

But in this blog series I'm going to help you so that doesn't happen. Over the next few weeks we will discuss the truth about married sex as Christians. You'll also get tips and pointers that you can incorporate in your alone time with your husband. It's going to be hot and flirty but also filled with truth about what GOD says about sex!

Make sure you stay tuned!

Geri Alicea


Follow Geri via Womb Prep:
IG: @wombprep


Boring Sex? No Thank You!


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