The Lord God is my strength, my bravery, He will walk me through places of trouble and suffering.
- Habakkuk 3:19


In Embrace Bravery, we will bravely embrace the difficult journey of delayed fertility (aka infertility) in a safe place by learning how to trust God while growing deeper in our relationship with Him.

Infertility is a tough journey, but I believe that God can give us the tools to walk bravely through it. I believe that in this journey, it appears we have fallen or are broken, but God isn't leaving us there. He's picking us up, pushing us forward with bravery. All of these broken pieces form who we are and give us the strength to move forward and continue the journey. (To learn more about these broken pieces, <a href="">click here</a>.) Embrace bravery.

Embrace Bravery was created to encourage, strengthen and equip you on your infertility journey through a Tallahassee, FL support group, a social media encouragement,, my book, Embrace Bravery, inspiration through the Embrace Bravery blog, events, gift exchanges and more.

Embrace Bravery exists because as women struggling through delayed fertility, we feel weak, that our bodies are failing us in one of the essential areas we were created for. So we don't feel like we have strength, let alone bravery. I believe that this journey gives us the strength we need to embrace the bravery God’s already instilled in us. The scripture says that our strength and bravery is God or comes from God. It's through embracing Him, our bravery and strength, that we begin to see our lives changed and empowered.

In Embrace Bravery, we will learn how to embrace that bravery and ultimately learn to look to Him in our moments of weakness and struggle. We'll be equipped to trust Him so that we can have a better relationship with Him than we ever imagined.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us... – Ephesians 3:20

Yes, He tells us way more than we could even begin to fathom will be ours through Him. Doesn't that get you excited?!?!


Shannon Ketchum

Founder of Embrace Bravery
(Tallahassee, FL)

Shannon Ketchum is a wife since 2003, fur mom, foster mom, sister, introvert, and most importantly in love with Jesus! She has been dealing with delayed fertility since 2003 due to endometriosis, hypothyroidism, PCOS and a pelvic spasm condition. She’s currently believing she will become a mother through adoption in foster care. Shannon is the founder of Embrace Bravery, author, blogger and speaker. She is passionate for women to break free from the brokenness of delayed fertility and experience Jesus in a whole new way.

Shannon has two fur-babies: Reno (13 years old) – canine pomeranian and Juliet (1 year old) - canine collie mix. She loves each and everyone of them and they keep her heart full and life entertained.

Shannon had the extreme pleasure of working for her church, Victory Church in Norcross, GA for 11 years. She was a project traffic manager in the Experience department, aka marketing. It fit her so well, as she loves details. She loved being able to see all the creative things that her team did and how that impacted the Kingdom! In early 2019 God called Shannon and her husband to move to Tallahassee, Florida. They believe this is where they will raise their family, and are excited to be closer to Carl’s family and to have no traffic! A year after moving here they became foster parents and have had children in their home and are enjoying this stage of life, and praying for their forever family!

For four years she was a small group leader in the Young Adult Ministry at Victory Church. She then felt the call to mentor adult women, so she became an adult women’s small group leader. She led her group for about 7 years. She loves small groups, they’re such an amazing way to connect with others and grow in relationship with the Lord. That ministry helped prepare her for infertility support. Ministering to women is such an important role, and she doesn't take it likely. Let's embrace this journey together.