What Satan Intended for Evil...

So I am currently doing this amazing study on the Book of Esther by Beth Moore called Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman. It’s absolutely amazing!!

I was blown away by a certain part of this study. Beth Moore was talking about when Haman had gotten King Xerxes permission to put in the order to have all the Jews killed. Within 1 day of getting the okay from the King, he sent out what we would call telegrams, to all Jews to let him know that their most certain death was coming. In the scripture it gives the timeline: 12th year, 13th day of the 1st month, which was when the order was made. The next day the Jews were notified. And the connection that she makes is amazing. In Leviticus 23, it talks about this timeline. This timeline was the Passover. This was such a significant time for the Jews.

She talks about how the Jews must have been thinking why today of all days? And Haman must have been thinking so highly of himself, thinking that he had ruined this occasion for them. He must have been thinking: “Perfect timing!”

But what Haman had really done was remind the Jews who they were, and what God had done for them. He only reminded them that the God that delivered them from the Egyptians, could now also deliver them from the Persians!!!

What I saw in this that absolutely amazed me, is the concept of What Satan intends for Evil, God intends for Good. Satan intended to destroy the Jews and ruin a day that reminds the Jews of what God had done for them. However, instead God took this evil intention & used it for His glory. In the end He will always be glorified!!! He will deliver us!!!

Here’s a portion of the study:

“He who delivered you from drugs can deliver you from distraction. He who delivered you from bankruptcy can deliver you from bingeing. He who delivered you from infertility can deliver you from inconsistency. He who delivered you from the fire can deliver you from fear. Sometimes God uses the winds of a new threat to blow the dust off a past miracle that has moved from our active files into the archives. Remember, Beloved! Remember what God has done for you!”


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